The oil analysis laboratories you consider should be equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation and robust data management solutions, and staffed with well-trained, experienced oil analysis technicians and data analysts that can be available to address your questions.
5 Reasons We Are the Oil Analysis Lab for You
Quality Control
Bureau Veritas’s laboratories operate according to the highest standards for oil testing and calibration laboratories. Each of our US laboratories is ISO 17025 accredited with a scope of oil testing among the most comprehensive in the industry. ISO 17025 accreditation, with this level of inclusion, is a testament to top management’s commitment to a documented Quality Program, accuracy and continuous improvement.
Oil Testing Automation & Advancement
Bureau Veritas makes substantial investments in the advancement of technologies that continually improve the benefits of oil analysis for our customers. By partnering with the leading instrument manufacturers and participating in the development of standard, industry-specific oil analysis test procedures, Bureau Veritas is in touch with the latest technological advances. Our commitment to continuous progress and advancing technology results in value-added oil testing, the latest in automation and the highest levels of efficiency.
Data Interpretation & Analysis
Our self-learning data analysis system provides a comprehensive evaluation of normal oil sample results based on a database of like sampling histories, sampling points and the maintenance recommendations applied to them. This allows our data analysts to address critical samples and work closely with those customers to provide the diagnostic and maintenance recommendations necessary for preventing catastrophic equipment failure.
We staff our oil analysis laboratories with experienced data analysts who have the equipment-specific knowledge to make well-informed, actionable maintenance recommendations. They hold both Certified Lubrication Specialist and Oil Monitoring Analyst certifications from the Society for Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers and the International Council for Machinery Lubrication.
Online Solutions for Optimizing Oil Analysis Data
Our Lube Oil Analysis Management System provides customers with much more than just quick access to test reports. LOAMSSM offers a full range of management tools for fully optimizing the amount of data generated by a world-class oil analysis program: