Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions about our company and our industry. Click any question to expand the content and read more.

General Questions

Can you tell me more about Bureau Veritas’ new QSA® (Quantitative Spectrophotometric Analysis) predictive technology program?

What’s the best way to make sure I get a fast turnaround?

How do I check on a sample that I sent in, but have not yet received results on?

I’ve sent samples in before on a point, but my latest report doesn’t show them. Why?

My lab asks me to complete paperwork to send with my sample. I understand why they want to know where to send the report, but why do they need all the other information?

Why is my 15W40 engine oil dropping into the SAE 30 grade on my report even though the lab is not detecting any fuel dilution?

How did Bureau Veritas Inc develop this new method for detecting varnish potential?

What makes this testing different?

Why is it so difficult to detect varnish potential with traditional fluid analysis techniques?

Does QSA® replace the traditional used oil analysis programs?

How is the information reported?

How was varnish detected prior to this technology?

What kind of impact does this test have on overall plant and machinery reliability?

Do you find you have to educate potential customers as to how and why they might benefit from detecting varnish potential?

What are your future plans and goals for this new test?

What is the best success story you can share about detecting varnish potential?

Where can people go to learn more?

LOAMSSM Questions:

How do I get access to LOAMS℠?

Will I have access to all my sample histories in the new system?

Is there a charge for LOAMS℠?

How many users can I have?

Will I need to download anything?

What will happen to my PC-based LOAMS℠ program?

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