Volume 2 | Issue 10


The Filters functionality in LOAMS allows users to promptly display the equipment and sample information they view most often. Filters are saved searches based on specific conditions which make sorting through your equipment, labels, samples and management reports a breeze.

Filters can be set under multiple tabs within the LOAMS application and once saved, are always listed under your Samples, Equipment, Labels and Reports tabs for instant access.

The automated reporting feature in LOAMS easily streamlines fluid analysis communications both within and outside your organization. Using Report Distributions, LOAMS users can distribute automated sample reports and management reports to any email in your address book.

For step by step instructions on how to create Filters click here. For detailed instructions on how to create a Report Distribution click here.

To view all of our training guides and videos on how to use LOAMS, please visit analystsinc.wpengine.com/loams-resource-center.

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