Volume 2 | Issue 7




Getting the right information to the right people at the right time can determine an oil analysis program’s level of success. LOAMS℠ users have instant access to test results through any of the multiple search features in LOAMS 2.0. In this latest release, new quick search capabilities enable users to find results in a timely manner and offers advanced searching functionality for drilling down data by specific criteria. For complete instructions on using the search capabilities now available in LOAMS 2.0, view the Quick Start Training Guide. We also invite you to watch our training video on the standard features and functionality of LOAMS 2.0 and check out all of our additional training materials available in our LOAMS Resource Center. For questions, feel free to contact our LOAMS Support Desk at 1.800.655.4473.

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12000 Aerospace Avenue, Houston, TX 770341.800.655.4473


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