New Orleans, LA
July 17-19
Booth #24 – Reliability Pavilion
Practical machinery lubrication training ensures you have enabled and empowered cross-functional stakeholders to reduce lubrication-related failures and improve reliability. The Practical Machinery Lubrication Training Course offers real solutions and advice that teach your teams how to execute a precision lubrication reliability program. Built around the body of knowledges for the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) and Machine Lubrication Technician (MLT) Certification, this training course is ideal for anyone who wants to master precision lubrication in support of reliability.
Houston, TX
November 6-8
Booth #408
The Machinery Lubrication Conference & Exhibition is a gathering of people driving change in the lubrication and oil analysis industry. Spanning three days, the conference brings together key lubrication and reliability professionals from around the world to gain and share knowledge, network with fellow professionals, exchange ideas and discover new products and services.
Miramar Palace
San Sebastian, Spain
June 5-6
Sam Fisher – Global Director, Bureau Veritas – Oil Analysis
Sam Fisher presented the LubMat keynote address, “Artificial Intelligence Transforms Oil Analysis: A Case Study of Predictive Analytics.” With a consistent focus on innovative digital solutions, Sam has partnered with Microsoft to leverage machine learning in predictive maintenance commentary and recommendations. Sam and other senior managers from the global Bureau Veritas – Oil Analysis laboratory network were also on hand to discuss our latest testing and analysis capabilities and sponsored a free, guided tour of the Bureau Veritas and IK4-Tekniker oil analysis laboratory available to all attendees.
Elizabeth Nelson – Coolant Program Manager – Bureau Veritas
Elizabeth Nelson presented a LubMat session on the impact cooling system maintenance can have on overall engine performance. While oil analysis is an invaluable condition monitoring tool, it tells you very little about what is happening inside the cooling system. Coolant analysis provides the rest of the story by pinpointing coolant and cooling system issues that can lead to premature engine failure.