The Sample Point Quarter 1 – 2018


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Welcome to Your First Quarterly LOAMS Check-In!

The Sample Point newsletter is your quarterly guide for using LOAMS to track and benchmark your oil analysis program’s progress. Each quarter, we’ll send you tips and tools for managing your everyday maintenance practices so that you can look to a future of improved equipment reliability.

From keeping sampling schedules on track to delivering management reports to key personnel, each “check-in” will give you what you need to make informed maintenance decisions that keep your equipment up and running and eliminate unplanned downtime.

What needs my immediate attention?

Configure your LOAMS dashboard to show you equipment status as well as how you are doing in various aspects of your program. Simply select the “widgets” that prioritize your data into a concise, high level account overview.

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Equipment Condition & Sampling Alerts

You can’t prevent an equipment failure if you are not sampling at regularly scheduled intervals.Use the Critical Condition widget to quickly view all units or components deemed “critical” by a data analyst. Additional Alerts link you to the number of “critical” and “abnormal” samples you still need to review and any equipment due or overdue for sampling.
Sample Turnaround Time
If samples are not shipped the day they are taken, results can be compromised. The Sample Turnaround Time and Track Sample widgets will keep you ahead of potential maintenance events by showing you how long samples spend in transit and in laboratory processing.


What Does My Team Need To Know?

Determine sample volume by worksite. Know when the lab is missing unit, component or lube age information that could be affecting the depth and value your data analysis. Manage online sample label generation vs. handwritten submissions. Using the Management and Diagnostic Reports available in LOAMS will give you a complete picture of how your oil analysis program is performing.

 16 LOAMS Management Reports & What They Can Tell Me  

How Do I Get Critical Information to Key Personnel?

Keep everyone that needs to know in the know. Every LOAMS Management or Diagnostic Report can be scheduled for routine email distribution to key personnel at specific frequencies.

Does Your Team Need Lubrication Training Certification?

Get the practical tools you need to transform your oil analysis program. Register now for our 3-day Machinery Lubrication Training June 5-8 in Atlanta. The training will include a personal tour of our oil analysis laboratory in Suwanee and registrants can sign up for the ICML MLA I & MLT I certification testing on June 8th.
What You Will Learn

  • How lubricants work and how to manage their condition
  • How to select optimum greases
  • How to design a world-class lube storage system
  • How to modify equipment for lubrication, inspection, oil analysis and contamination control
  • How to identify gaps in your program and create a game plan for next steps

Join Us for LubMat 2018 – June 5th & 6th
Register now for LubMat 2018 at Miramar Palace in San Sebastian, Spain, June 5th & 6th. The conference takes a scientific, educational approach to lubrication and wear for industrial equipment applications covering:

  • Condition Monitoring
  • Tribology
  • Lubricants and Lubrication Management

Go to for more information.



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10770 Vine Crest
Houston, TX 77086
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